Umeda, Shinsaibashi, Kyoto Shijo
Clinic of your choice
▼selectionShinsaibashi ClinicNanohana Inner Care Clinic (former Umeda Clinic)Kyoto Shijo Clinic
Preferred Treatment Menu
*Multiple selections allowed
melasmaspots and frecklesmoles and wartsacne and acne scarspore problemssaggingwrinkleseye problemsnose problemsskin texture improvementrough and dry skinhair loss and thinningbody constitution improvementdiet, weight loss and metabolic syndromeatopic dermatitisfemale genitalia problemsOther
Wishes, inquiries and symptoms related to treatment
Same Day Treatment HopeConsultation and counseling only
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◆First choice of date and time【required】
▼--10111213141516171819 o'clock
▼--001020304050 min
◆Second choice of date and time【required】
◆Third choice of date and time [optional]
Please confirm the date and time of your consultation and specify your preferred date and time. Please be sure to specify your third-choice date, as it may be busy. We are closed on Sundays and national holidays.
View clinic hours for each clinic▼
Shinsaibashi Clinic
10:45~19:00 (Closed: Sundays and National Holidays)
Nanohana Inner Care Clinic (former Umeda Clinic)
Mon~Sat 10:45~19:00 Sun 10:45~17:00 (Closed: National holidays)
Kyoto Shijo Clinic
9:30~18:00 (Closed: Sundays and National Holidays)
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